Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I'm Back

According to my friend Nathan...I'm supposed to keep this thing up so he has something to read. So the new goal is to add something at least every Wednesday.

As of now, I'm sick. I don't feel bad...well I'm a little achey. But what really bites is that I've lost my voice.

Do you realize how much you use your voice?

I mean think about it. I can't sing along with my Ipod as I do the dishes (bummer).

I can't talk to the wifeunit about anything (real bummer).

I don't know how I'm going to go to work tomorrow, as what I do consists of me telling a lot of people a lot of information and now I can't do that (....I was going to say bummer...but it wouldn't be if I could take the day off. But trust me, with my job if I take a day off everything is worse when I get back. - So that's the real bummer)!!!!

Speaking of my job...I've been toying with the idea of moving into a different field. I don't feel respected and I'm way- way- way- way- way- underpaid for the amount of hours I put in (but aren't we all?)

Still I'm trying to be Zen Pig and that is helping. Really life is 90% perception I think. Now I know the whole two of you who read this are probably like - duh! Welcome to what everyone else has known for years...but really I mean it. If you think things are out of control just slow down and drink some hot tea...believe it or not this solves a lot of problems...for me anyway.

Speaking of hot tea - the diet continues - I am now down fifty pounds - I don't know what I was down last time I blogged in, but I'm sure this is an improvment. (Twenty left to go!!!)

So that's cool I guess.

I was supposed to be in bed twenty minutes ago (remember I'm sick and all) - I surprised the wifeunit has not come into the office and cracked the whip yet. She's watching some weird Xena show a friend of hers at work loaned her. (I'll make fun of that at a later blogging).

Other things to look forward too-

1. Possible career change ideas - (sadly midget wrestling and rodeo clown are out).

2. What we watch during dinner - (I'll give you a hint...just the coolest television show from the 1970s...and no it's not "Different Strokes" that was the 1980s)

3. More good news from the struggling writer front...I'm making this rate I'll have reached Moscow by 2011. (For those who are not up on their World War II history...that was a Nazi reference...not that I'm saying I am a Nazi...or that I support a matter of fact I really dislike Nazis...I mean I like the German people...most of them I've met are very polite and kind hearted...but Nazis...well I pretty much hate those bastards...)

...But I digress

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