The last film is also a silent masterpiece...the German flick "Nosferatu".

You have young Thomas, a realestate agent who is sent to conclude the sale of some creepy old dudes house "Count Orlok". The Count invites his guest to dinner, but when Thomas cut's his hand there's this really cool scene where the Count tries to suck the blood from his hand.
Thomas begins to suspect Count Orlok is a vampire when he awakes with bite marks on his neck. Searching the castle Thomas finds the Count's coffin down in the crypt.

There is a really bad ass scene where Thomas then sees Orlok piling up coffins in a wagon, getting ready to transport them to his new home which is...wait for it...ACROSS THE STREET FROM THOMAS'S HOUSE...dun..dun...dun!!!
The coffins are transported via ship to the Count's new home as a plague spreads across Europe where the victims sport 'bite type' marks.
You have another really cool scene where the ship arrives in Thomas's hometown.
Orlok moves in and Ellen (this would be the main squeeze of Thomas) transfixes the vampire with her beauty.
But what Count Orlok dosn't know is that the blood of a pure woman (see Ellen) - will cause him to loose track of time. Which will in turn allow the sunlight to do it's thing and BOOM no more vamp!

You've got some really great shots in this film. Like really famous shots. Things that even if you don't know where they come from you'd still recognize them.

This is a must see for any 'horror film buff' - you can't really call yourself that if you have not seen this film.
Four Skulls (I mean it still suffers from the pacing of a silent film - but that's not really it's fault is it?)

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