I still have twenty pages left of "Mutant Freaks Must Die" and then the rewrites of my Steampunk story.
After that I would like to finish another Steampunk story I have written (something my creative writing class has shown quite a bit of interest in...and let's face it I can't let the little 'uns down. I mean they are just soooooo cute).
The idea is to get all this done before November so I can hit the Steampunk Novel full force for NanoWriteMo.
Problem is...if you could call it a problem...my two young adult novels have been making the rounds at school. A kid will finish one book with great ideas, then another kid will want to read it and then they'll have rewrite ideas. And the thing is...they're all really good ideas. So here I am rewriting, while playing hunt the agent, while trying to keep up on my other stuff.
Then you get stuff like, oh I don't know...this thing called life which tends to get in the way.
Still it's all very exciting.
My friend Lauren gave me a gift of Zombie Zinfandel, or "Zombie Zin" for short.

I've promised that when "Zombacolypse!" gets published she, the wife unit, her husband unit and I will all break into it together.
Now I've really got a goal.
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