Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Face of God

The place I work tends to be filled with a lot of people much younger than myself. The other day a girl who must be at least half my age asked me what I thought God looked like.

Now I wish I was enlightened enough to think God looks like as woman...such as Alanis Morissette in the movie Dogma.

Or even somewhat enlightened to think that God is Morgan Freeman in the movie Bruce Almighty.

Hell, I'd be happy to tell you that I think God is George Burns in the movie Oh God!

But no. You see when I think of God...I think of the old, white British guy from the movie Time Bandits.

"I am the Supreme Being — I'm not entirely dim."

I dunno...maybe it's because I belong to The Church of England, maybe it's because I'm white, maybe it's because I'm a moron.

In the end it's probably all of the above.

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