Sunday, September 14, 2008

No Mystery! and No Beer Make Crimson Pig Go Crazy!

So here's my problem. Every Sunday for about three months out the year PBS shows the fantastic series Mystery! (While for the other nine months of the year they show some Jane Austen dreck). But around the time of year, if only for a brief time, my life is filled with joy.

Here is a typical Sunday for me.

1. Go to church and swing the thurable. (IE - Giant brass pot filled with incense).

2. Come home and clean the place up. (Nothing makes Mystery! more enjoyable than watching it in a clean house).

3. Go to the grocery store and stock up on provisions. (Food of course for the week, but also my little gift to myself - a four pack of Virgils Root Beer).

4. Make dinner and wait for Mystery! to come on.

As I don't drink I pop open one of the previously mentioned bottles of root beer and settle in for some prime British detective work. During my show there are some ground rules.

1. Don't call me (I don't answer the phone)

2. Don't stop by (I won't answer the door)

3. Don't talk to me (this one only really applies to my wife - who doesn't acknowledge my right to lay down any sort of rules in the house - however she has learned that if she wants to talk about the bills or plumbing I will only answer with monosyllabic grunts - so she has in effect learned to leave me alone for an hour and a half).

But, due to the pledge drive that seems to have been going on for the past eon, there has been no Mystery! as of late.

Last week, the wife-unit suggested that I watch old episodes of Alfred Hitchcock Presents on a wonderful little sight called Hulu.

In the end that's what I ended up doing and was placated for a bit. But the question tonight is...what shall the Crimson Pig do now? As much as I love the master Mr. Hitchcock, I'm not sure his television show will be a proper replacement for two weeks in a row.

Oh what, oh what is a pig to do?

1 comment:

Smith said...

I'm sorry you didn't get to watch your show. I hate when that happens.

I have to say I love the new picture. Imagine sleeping at a hotel.