Monday, April 13, 2009

Must Find Time To Breathe

Had today off. Planned on sleeping until noon, however there was too much for this pig to do. I am kinda happy with the end results. So let's take stock shall we?

I let the wifeunit sleep in while I...

Uploaded my Ipod - Podcasts
Cleaned the house
Did the laundry

Then as she got up around 10:30 I...

Went to the grocery store
Made lunch
Continue to do laundry

I then went in the office to...

Fix spelling and grammar errors on Blackwater
Continue to do laundry

Wifeunit fell asleep, so I...

Went and bought some new tabacco for my pipe
Went on an hour long hike through the woods (very peaceful)

Come home and...

Made dinner
Continued to do laundry
Did dishes

After dinner I...

Wrote the first three pages for Blackwater
Fixed page numbering problems on Blackwater and The Sorcerers Orphan
Finished laundry

Now I'm...

Catching up on Facebook
Catching up on Blogging

Next I'm gonna...

Take a hot bath
Go to bed by ten

A productive yet relaxing day...

not bad Crimson Pig...not bad at all!

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