Zombacolypse is up and running. I've posted and people say they are reading it. My friend Scoot is the most vocal with his comments which really fire me up and make we want to keep writing. It's amazing how far a little support goes. Even when he's just Facebooking me with spelling corrections I love it. Plus he's very good at telling me when I'm running late on the next installment. He's like my own little cheerleading group...fire and love to you my man Scoot (love ya)!
The whole situation at work panned out as things such as that usually do. Funny how in the future we can look back and see how silly it all is, but when you're in the thick of it all it seems so important. There is that taoist philosophy coming in again. You see, when we're all done and gone, how we treat one another is all that matters. Actually, I'm getting two assistants next year and check this (they are twins)!!! How freaking cool is that. They are both hard workers, funny and very, very cool. I can't wait to work, talk horror movies with them and laugh, laugh, laugh. I'm a very happy little pig.
I think success does lie ahead, but not in ways I once expected (I find the universe tends to work like this) - I'm stoked about the podcast. I'm talking with my friend Lauren about getting the equiptment/software together. I re-printed/re-bound the book for my actor friend Will to start reading, and I talked to my friend Devin about recording some music for the podcast. The cool part is, everyone else seems just as excited as me! That makes the whole thing so much cooler. I have to admit that I've kinda lost steam on the zombie novel, however I only have the climax and resolution to finish. I already know what the resolution is gonna look like, it's just the climax I can't quite figure out. I walked away from it for awhile, but I can't do that forever. If the blog on Livejournal catches up with where I left off, Scoot ain't gonna like waiting a month for the last seven or eight chapters.
I don't know if you can tell by the tone of my recent entries, but I am much more optimistic about everything right now. The diet is on stabilization, which is great because I can have the occasional burrito. I feel great, I look better. The zombie novel is no longer hanging around my neck like some dead sea bird (how's that for a literary reference)!? Anyway, things are looking pretty good for this little piglet.
I say...bring on April (Yes, yes I know it's already April...why must you be so literal)?

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