Nightmare Castle!

So far we have a winner! This is the film that will dethrone "The Terror" as the worst movie I've seen in the set so far.
The plot?
Crazy scientist dude catches his wife and her lover 'getting it on' in the greenhouse. (I couldn't figure out why the two met in her bedroom and then had to go downstairs to find some rotten old leaves on which to 'get jiggy with it').
Crazy scientist dude tortures wife and lover before killing them...but wait! Just before she dies wife says she had left her family fortune to her sister whom is in an insane asylum and whom she hates.
Crazy scientist dude marries the sister before moving her into the dark brooding castle. Slowly he tries to drive her mad while he lurks around with his maid (really his wife whom he is keeping alive by giving her blood transfusions from the people he kills).
Ok - so what's the problem?
Well first - someone needed to invest in some lighting. Half the time I couldn't even see what was going on it was so dark. That's not what I call atmosphere, that's just frustrating. The pace was slow and some things just didn't make any damn sense.
For example: When crazy scientist dude disposes of the bodies he burns them and places their ashes in a pot. At the beginning of the movie the characters make a big deal out of the 'fleshy plant' growing from it. Then...THEY DON'T MENTION THE DAMN THING AGAIN!!!
But here's my favorite, in the climax the ghosts of those killed are running around and the one good guy (the doctor from the asylum) conveniently finds a glass box filled with murky water and THE HEARTS OF THE TWO PEOPLE WHO HAD BEEN MURDERED!
At this point I'm like 'What The Hell? Where did this come from?'
So the ghost kills the scientist and his wife/maid, the good guy throws the hearts in the fireplace before running from the castle with the crazy girl and BOOM - you've got yourself an ending.
I was going to give this no skulls - but I'm gonna give it one for two reasons.
First...Helga Line was in it and she's quite easy on the eyes.

and second...for this scene skull (begrudgingly)

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