Today's film is...
Night of The Living Dead.

In the interest of full discloser I do have to admit that I've got a thing for zombies. So I will try to unbiased in this review...
Oh who am I kidding? I LOVE THIS FILM!!!
It's not just that it's the first in Romeros four part series, it's that it changed the way zombie films were done. It changed the way we thought about zombies.
Up to 1968 - the zombie was a creature created via voodoo. If you were going to face a zombie it was going to be in some place like Haiti and even then it was only going to be one or two of them.
But this film chucked all that out the window and here was a whole society turned in to flesh eating undead. How freaking cool is that?!

But here is where the film really shines. Instead of showing massive cities under seige, the director placed a group of people in a small farmhouse and lets the action proceed from there. The tension ratchets up as wave upon wave of undead come after them.
Plus it's got everything...incest, necrophelia, cannibialsim. Horror to the max.

You know deep down there is no good way for this to end, and that's exactly what you get. In a Hollywood where everything is given to a focus group that begs for a 'happy ending' you've gotta ask yourself - How can there be a happy ending in a zombie flick?
The answer - if you're honest. There can't be a happy ending, and that's exactly what you get with "Night of the Living Dead." The realistic ending that shows you how much the end of the world will hurt when it gets here.
2012 anyone?
Oh if you needed to ask - Five out of Five Skulls

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