Saturday, October 10, 2009

Time to Shift Some Gears

So I came to a conclusion the other day. And for most people this will appear to be no big deal, but for me it's kinda huge. For the past eight or nine years I've been working towards being a horror writer. It's be a road that I have not been too serious about and my work (while getting better) has never been where I thought it should be.

Now don't get me wrong. I love reading horror works, I love watching horror movies. Some of my favorite books have been and always will be horror.

It's just that writing the stuff I always felt like I was wearing the wrong pajamas. They fit, and sometimes they were a little comfy...but for the whole part they just didn't quite fit right.

So I wrote a Steampunk story and turned it in to my creative writing class. The kids went nuts over it...they loved the idea (though they tore the story apart).

I think the novel I'm going to write over NaNoWriteMO will be Steampunk in creation. I think it's were I need to be. It's more of a natural fit. You would think at my age realizing what you really are would be easy. And yet after each layer I always seem to find another farther down.

1 comment:

Tyhitia Green said...

Hope you did well with NanoWrimo. :-D