So September 6th is my birthday and I have a goal to accomplish fifty goals in one year. Part of that goal is to keep my blog up to date, so as I cross each one off my list I will update the old blog...while still putting in my valuable input on other matters as well.
As you'll see some things are simple, some are more complex.
Here is the mighty 'To Do List' to end all to do lists.
1. I have a scar on my leg that needs looking to.
2. I still like to drop between ten to fifteen pounds.
3. My glasses keep falling of my face - so they need to be fixed.
4. Buy some new shirts.
5. Buy new sports jackets.
6. My shoes need new shoelaces.
7. I wear these black slippers at church and I need a new pair.
8. I've still got all my fat clothes laying around, so I need to get rid of them.
9. I broke the heating blanket we use during the winter so it needs to be fixed (or replaced)
10. Clean the shower drain (it's starting to smell funky)
11. Clean up under the kitchen sink (scared to see what's down there)
12. Clean the garbage disposal (also starting to smell funky)
13. Clean up the office (Angie wants to make it a reading room)
14. Download a bunch of music from my friend Amy (she has a great collection of music)
15. Steam clean the carpet
16. Organize all the bookshelves (should take days)
17. Write a novel during Nanowritemo.
18. Keep up blog
19. Send out promised copies of my book to those whom I promised a copy
20. Save $2000.00
21. Finish painting the upstairs offices at church
22. Get rid of all the metal at church (as promised like over a year ago)
23. Finish scraping the wax off the hardwood floors of church (as promised like over a year ago)
24. Make all new lesson plans for school
25. Make all new tests and quizzes for school
26. Make new Holocaust presentation for school
27. Start meditating
28. Start working out.
29. Finish YA book.
30. Continue to submit (with hopefully around ten acceptances this year)
31. Fix computer (the screen is broken)
32. Fix truck mirror
33. Clean interior of truck
34. Replace radio (which was stolen by the neighborhood meth-heads)
35. Find summer job
36. Replace truck breaks.
37. Submit 'Blackwater'
38. Submit "Sorcerers Orphan"
39. Buy new skillet
40. Visit three schools where I might want to work instead of my current place.
41. Get new scanner for school
42. Get back up drive for school
43. Start garden at school
44. Get bag fixed.
45. Finish Nazi story
46. Restock wine rack
47. Finish every season of "The Rockford Files"
48. Buy coffee mug
49. Drink Absinthe
50. Travel (Not sure where to yet...either Portland or Chicago I think)
OK - so starting September 6th I'm off and running...
Wish me luck...
I'm gonna need it.