Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Zombocalypse Is Very Close To Being Up and Running

OK - here's the problem.

I wanted to put Zombocalypse on Blogger here. But problems arose.

First - Formatting errors out the wazoo. I can't even begin to tell you how bad the text looked after I cut and pasted it all into Blogger.

Second - By default my Zombocalypse page was attatched to my Crimson Pig page. This was a problem in that I wasn't sure if I wanted those reading my book knowing about my personal bitching.

Third - I've been told this blog is hard to read. Not a problem in short bursts, but when you're reading over ten pages I'm sure that's gonna get pretty annoying, pretty damn quick.


I am the type of person who would reather light a candle than curse the darkness.


Zombocalypse is up at Livejournal under my pen name - Christopher Aylett.

Check it out, I know you won't be disappointed.

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